Jogging Tips for Beginners

Jogging Tips for Beginners

By Hannah Hanson | April 27, 2021


Jogging is a healthy activity that keeps your abdominal fat in check. It is a form of aerobic exercise. Aerobic means ‘with oxygen. So, going by this definition, physical activities that involve the use of oxygen to produce energy are called aerobic exercises. 


Jogging Versus Running 

The difference lies in the intensity. Running requires more pace and energy. Your heart will put more effort into circulating oxygen-rich blood required to power the muscles during running. Running also demands a higher fitness level than jogging. 

Both running and jogging are proven ways to burn calories. A shorter run duration of 15 to 30 minutes on a daily basis burns abdominal fat and improves cardiovascular conditioning. Running also strengthens body muscles like quads, glutes, and hamstrings in addition to stabilizing the core. 

Do You Know? 

Your body utilizes fat instead of carbohydrates during intense exercises like running and sprinting. It goes into Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (abbreviated to EPOC) mode after the completion of strenuous physical activity. It continuously burns fat during the stage to revert to the pre-exercise state. The whole process can last up to 48 hours. This means that your body will keep burning fat for two consecutive days until it returns to pre-exercise levels. 


Setting Goals for Jogging and Running 


You will want to reap the maximum benefits that come with jogging or running. Think about the end results you wish to achieve. Whether you want to get fit or lose weight will depend on the level of intensity of your training sessions. If getting fit is your ultimate goal then you should take baby steps: start with brisk walking, proceed to jogging, and work your way up to running. You may not reach the top of the ladder in an instant, but the results will speak for themselves. 

Consider trying different combinations of exercises to improve your overall fitness. You could go for running and swimming or jogging and weight lifting. Swimming is a great exercise to burn calories. It improves heart rate, lung capacity and strengthens the immune system. You should also remember that a healthy diet is extremely important for your health. Cut back on all the junk food and sugary drinks and include vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole grains, fish, and low-fat dairy products in your diet plan. 

Take your running game up a notch by joining your local running club. You do not have to be a gold medalist or a professional runner to join a running club. Many running clubs hold competitions to test the capabilities of their members. These platforms provide coaching tips and guidance on physical fitness. They also offer sessions for beginners and advanced runners alike.  

Marathons are a great way to test your skills against other participants. Many running clubs offer community-running programs for people from all walks of life. Join a local running club to improve your running skills. No matter how fast you are, there will always be someone faster than you. Find yourself the competitor who can push you to your limits. 


Jogging & Running Tips for Beginners 


Both jogging and running are healthy exercises with plenty of benefits. However, there are some things you need to consider before pursuing intense physical activity like jogging or running. 

  • Get a complete check-up before going for running or jogging. That doesn’t mean you should go see the doctor every day. It is advisable to go for a medical check if you’re 40 or older. Medical screening can help identify any illness or disease. Doctors don’t recommend intense physical activity to people with underlying health problems like obesity and cardiac complications 
  • Never forget to warm up before an exercise session. Stretching before jogging or running relaxes all the tight muscles and improves the range of motion. Moreover, always take fluids like water with you in running sessions. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your training sessions. Begin your first few sessions with brisk walking then proceed to jogging. Increase your time with every session. You can transition to running after five to six weeks. 
  • Avoid exercising during the hottest hour of the day. Go during early morning or late evening hours. Give your body two rest days in order to prevent exhaustion, fatigue or injury. Eat healthy food and give your body the sleep it needs.