Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness
6 Signs Social Media Is Affecting Your Mental Health

6 Signs Social Media Is Affecting Your Mental Health

By Ella Markson | December 12, 2021

Social media is a constant part of our lives. Most people like updating their statuses no matter where they are or what they’re doing. It might be one of the biggest reasons why you’re using the internet, RN. While social media has changed how we connect with others, the way it affects our mental health hasn’t really changed. 

Not everything you see online would be worth your while. Sometimes the content can be gory and even offensive. Moreover, the more people there are on social media, the more voices you will hear. So, you might not be okay with most of the content you are being forced to consume. Even though there are community guidelines on most platforms, people don’t always follow them. So, if you see even one of these signs, you might want to tone down your social media usage.


#1: Spending Too Much Time Online

Social media can be addicting and become a major part of people’s lives. As a result, they might end up spending a lot of time scrolling through their feeds. Even more, than they spend meeting people or talking to them. So, if you are spending hours on social media, it can affect your real-life friends and social gatherings. You don’t want to end up being the person who never shows up to get-togethers. 

Moreover, as you spend more time on the internet, you get more alienated from reality. So, even if you are out with friends, you might want to check your phone constantly. Uploading stories and taking pictures is all you can think of. It can be an unhealthy and vicious cycle where nothing would ever be enough. 


#2: Comparing Yourself to Others

Many people on social media post what they think is appropriate. Before social media, no one posted or talked about their daily lives so much. Moreover, who a person is in real life can be very different from who they are online. But most people can end up comparing themselves with others. Suddenly what others have is what you want for yourself. You might end up with the toxic habit of always looking up to others and making false ideals in your head. Just because you saw someone else live your dream life online. As a result, you can feel less of yourself and might end up going into depression. 


#3: Worrying About Reputation

Most people can develop a fear that they can’t control what others are posting about them. So, they constantly scourge the internet and stalk people online. Moreover, it can also be the reason behind cyber-bullying, which is a real problem. So, many people are worried about their online image and how the online world sees them. Your social media profile might be your portfolio. So, might want every picture and post to be perfect. This can be an unhealthy obsession that can lead to low self-esteem and loss of confidence. 


#4: Being Distracted

Social media has changed how we communicate. Now, everyone expects an instant response from others. So, you might feel pressure to comment on your friends’ posts almost immediately. It can be a major distraction in your life, and you could forego more important things for this one. It can lead to low school scores, distant relationships, and being inefficient at work.   


#5: Losing the Ability to Self-Reflect

Social media can make people follow bizarre trends and make some questionable choices. You might make silly decisions to find a place for yourself in the ‘cool’ crowd. You can also do a lot of things just because everyone else is doing them too. As a result, you forget who you are as a person. Your morals can change, and you might not be able to recognize yourself. So, social media can change your personality and change the way you think. In most cases, the change is superficial and can affect the deep-down self you’re trying to suppress. 


#6: Having Trouble Sleeping

Many people scroll through social media before they fall asleep. And check their notifications the first thing in the morning. Moreover, you might reach out for your phone in the middle of the night as well. It can cause adverse effects on your mental health and disrupt sleep cycles.  

The blue light from your screens can be harmful to your eyes. Moreover, it can convince your brain that it’s daytime and wake you up. As a result, you ruin your sleep and never get enough rest. If you’re always tired and sleepy throughout the day, you might want to change your social media usage habits. It can be one of the biggest reasons why most people have trouble sleeping at night.